
'We have come to destroy you!'

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lord Voldus the Corrupter

Voldus was once a loyal member of the Black Scorpions, a battle hardened librarian of prodigous strength. His strength would be his downfall. On Hukul IV he was first through the breach, cleaving his way through cultists to the inner sanctum. There, foolishly, he tried to fight the newly summoned Greater Daemon of Slaanesh. He fought bravely but was no match for the lithe, deadly daemon. He was stabbed and thrown across the sanctum. Wounded and enraged he lashed out with pure psychic energy, banishing the foul creature back to the warp, beating the impossible odds, but awakening something dark inside him. It would not be the last time he heard from this daemon. For months after the battle he would hear voices and strange noises, eerie beckonings and foul machinations from the darkness. It was clear to his fellow librarians that he was losing his mind. He was being consumed. He fled the Legion after killing two brothers who tried to calm him during one of his insane ramblings.  He would not be heard from again until a decade later when he returned as Lord Voldus the Corrupter. He had shed all remnants of his previous loyalties and now fought for a cause altogether darker.  There are rumours that has now joined the infamous Crimson Slaughter.... 

A work in progress. I really wanted to make a filthy corrupt traitor. I wanted him to look fully dedicated to the darkness. A true fallen space marine. I find the chaos marines these days to be just regular marines with spikes. The direction GW took with the Dark Vengeance marines was great! Daemonic, truly corrupted!

Sometimes creative juices take over and you just make something weird.

C&C welcome.

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