
'We have come to destroy you!'

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Terrain and Progress!

Hi all,

January was a tough month. The inspiration came and things went swimmingly but life has a way of getting in the way. My grandfather, after a short period of illness, passed away. When something like that happens things like Warhammer and hobbies get dropped. Not a great start to the year. After the dust settled and I got back to Norway, I found my inspiration hadn't left me. I'd pledged to post decent content at least twice a month so here goes! Got a few things for you today. Terrain, Dreadnoughts, An HQ, some random bits and bobs and Objective Markers!

Terrain! I needed forest terrain so I went ahead and made some forests (duh). I used vinyl records as the base. Easy to cut, stiff and didn't warp! w00t. I got 25 trees from a local hobby store cheaply.

 I made 6 forests. 2 are small line-of-sight breakers and 4 are larger, more open and accessible. That 5+ cover save ftw!
 After I made the first 3 bases I found they lacked a little character. So I added a small pond with reeds and water effects for some more 'flavour'
A cinematic shot through the forest.
I'm also in the process of building a small abandoned research complex. A long forgotten area, overgrown and ripe for looting! (I was inspired by the computer game DayZ!)

The first part is the command centre. I'm currently building some walls to surround the complex as well as a few storage buildings and maybe a small guard tower or lookout tower.

It turned out quite nice. I'm happy with it. The cream colour came out a little too light but oh well.

Moving on: I completed my Furioso dreadnought. I love the model but as I painted it I got less and less inspired for some reason. I see now that the helmet needs something more. It's a little flat and boring. I was going to do a fancy blade too but just couldn't be bothered. NOT my best effort :)

 I painted this up a long time ago but realised I'd never taken any pictures of it. So here it is. My contemptor Mortis dread. He's a total badass :)

The nurgle marine's head has been ''watermelon'ed''

I also painted up my Counts As Dante model: Lord Commander Cylander Azeron
I'm very pleased with this. In person it looks better. The fire-axe looks washed out and boring on digital camera. But yeah... Happy with this. He looks scary.

Random pics: Here's some random stuff I took pictures of too. A Biker and an inquisitor:

The fire effect worked 10x better here


Fighting is serious stuff, going to war is even more serious. As I've said before, players often neglect scenery and objective markers too. How many of us have fought over a coin, a random bit of plastic, an unpainted box of ammo or a colour dice?

It was time to create some COOL stuff to fight over:

The Escape Pod & The Injured Captain

A cruiser in space has been destroyed! The Captain, refusing to go down with his ship has leapt into an escape pod and crashed to the surface! Find him so that you may: (insert some thing here like Interrogate him, execute him for cowardice, rescue him because he's an admiral's son etc etc)

An idea where the escape pod is the objective and you then roll a D6 when you get close to see where the captain appears. He might be nearby, he might be miles away... he might be dead!

The Daemonic Sword!

Local cultist have sacrificed hundreds and summoned a weapon of great power. They all died before they could wield its power, their life-force drained from their bodies! It levitates over a pool boiling blood. The one who wields this sword shall be truly powerful! 
Note: This looks very orange, it is in fact very deep red, glossy. A weird effect from the camera makes it look orange.

The Eye of the Forest

Locals call it 'Vorash'uhs. Whatever it is, your leaders want it... 
Note: Who would want this!? It's Grotesque! Forge the Narrative and figure something out :-)
The Ancient Relic

Archeologists have dug up a priceless relic. Its value is beyond comparison. Claim it! 

The Secret Hatch!

What treasures lie buried within this forgotten hole. Archeo-tech? Riches? Forbidden weapons or something altogether more powerful? 

The Dirge Caster

The airwaves throughout the sector are polluted with agonising screams, dark ritual mumblings and heretical propaganda - This corrupted communications array must be seized! 

Thanks for dropping in! Leave a comment.

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