
'We have come to destroy you!'

Monday, June 9, 2014

WIP - Tulwar IFV (chimera) + Basilisk/Medusa

Finally getting round to starting my imperial guard army was a long journey. Part of the problem was always that I despised the regular Leman Russ and the Chimera models. They are great models but they just don't fit the theme I always wanted for my imperial guard. It took much research and conversion hunting to find solutions I found acceptable.

My army is modern looking. It's meant to be a high-tech Desert Storm kind of theme. The WWI style leman russ didn't fit and I found the chimera too wide, too high and never liked the weird little turret.

My first step was a sleeker Leman Russ' which can be seen here:

The next step was building 3 chimeras... but how to proceed? How do I figure out a way to make them look a bit more modern, a bit more high tech yet pleasing to the eye. I found this great blog article and I was inspired!

The instant I saw them I yelled out 'Yes!' leading to strange looks in my office. Anyway, Here is my WIP. I've used the 'set-back' style where the turret is further back on the chassis, much like the Bradley IFV or Scimitar fighting vehicle. I found a few of excellent chassis conversion kits that are unfortunately long since out of production (ebay FTW!)

I'm quite pleased. When they're painted up and various bits have been filed and cleaned up I think they'll look pretty good.

 The firing hatch is now at the front, and luckily, only two med can shoot out of a chimera now so it's appropriately sized.

As you can see I'vetried to got for a remote turret look. The kind you see these days on modern military vehicles like humvees etc. I went with autocannons because there shall be no lasers in my army! :-) . I also whacked on a heavy stubber and HK missile. This was mainly because it looks cool and modern but stubbers are only 5 pts now. 3 extra str 4 shots? for 5 points? yes please.

I wanted to go for something like this:

Also, Here are some completed Basilisks/Medusae. I've again tried to modernise them slightly using modern gunbreaks you see on self propelled artillery.

C&C welcome. Will have the Chimera finished as soon as my rear doors arrive from forgeworld!



  1. Really good looking!

    What colors did you use, to paint the tanks?

  2. Hey, Sorry for really late reply. I used Army Painter Bone spray as a base, washed with GW Devlan Mud. Then dry brushed with Deneb Stone.

  3. Hello. I really like the turrets on your chimeras. Would you share how you did those?

  4. Hey I really like those Basilisks, nice work.
