
'We have come to destroy you!'

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Armoured Support v2.0

Hi folks,

Just finished my Leman Russ Squadron tonight. I posted a while back about the AT-80 Battle Tank.

Here's the squadron along with 'The Leviathan', a Leman Russ Exterminator I managed to recover from a box of old warhammer. It had no tracks so I salvaged some from a old Tiger Tank. The several layers of spray paint and shoddy glue job only serves to emphasise its industrial, heavy look.

Drive me closer! I want to hit them with my sword!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Progress - First Platoon Complete!

Hello all,

Been ages since my last post. Been a crazy spring with weddings, travel and unfortunately some sickness. But all is well now, and I've tried to gather up some inspiration and start making some progress.

As always I find digital cameras (at least decent ones) always seem to pick out mistakes or make your efforts seem worst. I swear they look better in person... ach well.

Background: I'm trying to build a realistic modern day army. This army won't win me any tournaments but it will be my 'go to' fun army. My list I've made contains a lot of different models... much a like a white dwarf army. More soon!

1st Platoon!

The first of many many Mortar Teams.

Platoon Command Squad with grenade launchers


If only uou could take your cover with you.