
'We have come to destroy you!'

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Imperial Guard update - Gearing up for Apocalypse!

 So a large apocalypse game is coming up in a month or two so it's time to gear up and make some headway with my Imperial Guard Army 'The Hydrobian 8th'. I realise I'm kind of giving away some secrets here but who cares. It's for fun anyway.

I love artillery and explosions, who doesn't? I've liked the idea of a manticore but I hated the model. The big cartoon rockets seemed silly to me. I had two leftover whirlwind rocket pods that look great. The idea was to try and emulate an MLRS ( google it ) as my army is somewhat modern-looking.

Here goes!

 I wasn't hugely pleased with the actual rockets. I couldnt figure out a decent colour scheme so I went for boring military green with som yellow dots.

I also magnetised the launcher so I could make it a DeathStrike missile Launcher.

 You've no doubt already noticed that it's a single manticore missile instead of a deathstrike.The reason for that is the deathstrike missile is flat out silly. It looks like something the coyote would use against the roadrunner. It should hace ACME written down the side.  The in game effect is a 3+D3 blast. Not a huge blast in otherwords. The deathstrike, as seen below is basically a 50 megaton nuclear missile. It should really just erase the battlefield killing everything. If they made the deathstrike realistic it would go something like: If the deathstrike fires, the game is a draw as all models on the table are instantly vapourised.
It's just too big.
I'm happy with the result and I'll gladly argue with anyone who claims its too small. The missile now kind of matches the in-game effect plus it looks better.

Below is a plasma veteran squad. Just some random things I've been working on.

 This squad is a veteran squad with Melta. The heads are from Mad Robot Miniatures and the guns from Anvil Industries. This squad will eventually be mounted in a valkyrie. I've modelled them on old school stormtroopers and British paratroopers.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Streamlined Apocalypse


The thing about it is, my experience with it has been mixed. It takes a lot of time, effort and organisation to sort it out. Getting everyone together is also a challenge. It also has a chance of simply being boring, too long and too messy.

With so much stuff to move around the table, so many things to keep track of, multiple opponents to fight simultaneously and so much time spent sitting around whilst others make their moves it can easily become tedious. Last time we played a huge apoc game which while it WAS fun, was simply exhausting.

So.... How can you make huge big games more fun, more streamlined and more engaging?

Here is my idea, which i shall dub: Warhammer 40k COMMANDER! (keep in mind that this is a general outline. Details like number of players, type of terrain, size etc is not fixed):


The idea behind this is to create a realistic commander style setting in which roles are defined and there is a clear idea of what each commander's Mission is. Bear with me.

IMPORTANT: Most apocalypse games have one person who is assigned the role of 'Organiser'. This person has one duty - To keep things flowing. This person basically has to make sure everyone is playing, setting up, rolling dice or taking breaks. Essentially a person responsible for time-keeping. This role will be considerably easier with the COMMANDER set up:
6 Players, 2 teams - i.e 3 vs 3
Large apocalypse table with cityfight terrain

The table is divided into 3 sectors like so:

The idea is that the teams each chooses a long table edge to deploy on as per usual rules. The table is then divided into 3 sectors. Each player in the team then chooses a sector to fight in. Essentially becoming a 1v1, 1v1, 1v1 battle.

Each individual player has responsibility for their own sector and responsibility for their own objectives. Basically it will be 3 battles on one massive table which allows for the creation of an excellent narrative. I.e Commander Rik must take the Communications center in Sector 1, Mattias must stop him. Rory will be fighting Chriss for 3 Virus bomb cannisters spread out in Sector 2. Jim will be fighting Bob for 3 objectives in Sector 3 - You get the idea. 3 sectors, 9 objectives. 2 teams, 6 players.

At the end of the game which ever team as the most Victory Points wins. Simples.

Deployment & Movement:

Once sectors have been chosen and armies deployed, units may move freely across sector lines. e.g A tactical squad can move from sector 1 to sector 2. They can cross into other sectors to reinforce their allies, shoot, assault whatever.

Reserves moving onto the table however, can only come in on your own sector. e.g Rory is fighting in Sector 2, his reserves can only be deployed from Sector the 2 table edge.

Requesting reinforcements! : Strategic reserves may enter another sector. The player who owns that sector must request reinforcements. Roll a D6:
1: Failed, commincations break down and these reserves can only come in on their home secotr
2: Garbled message, a garbled request makes it through. Half of the reserves may be deployed in the foreign sector (rounding up)
3-6: Received, incoming! - The request is successful. Strategic Reserves may be place anywhere.

Deep Strike

Reserves using the deep strike rule may enter anywhere on the table.

Special rules

Army wide special rules that affect terrain, armies, leadership, reserve rolls etc can only affect their home sector. i.e An Imperial Guard Astropath can only affect reserve rolls of their sector opponent.


The theory is that each battle is somewhat isolated, players will mostly be playing against a single opponent but with the option to reinforce their allies much like a real world scenario. Having responsibility for a sector and objectives gives the player more purpose rather than just a massive unorganised melee with no tactics or plans. I think it will result in a very cool battle which won't take 20 hours to complete. Things going well in your sector? Divert some tanks to reinforce your buddy in the neighboring sector.

There's plenty of details to iron out like the effect of strategic reserves etc.
